Title: The Wife's Story

Author: Ursula K. Leguin

Genre: Short Story, Science Fiction

Theme: A wolf turning into a man

Setting: Hill, woods, Near Spring Lake

Mood: Suspenseful, Sad, Suspicious, Sentimental Scare

Point of View: First Person

Main Character: Wife and Husband, Sister, Children

Literary Device: Suspense, Situation Irony, Foreshadowing

Summary: This story talks about a man turning into a wolf, but a wolf turning into a man. The wife was good. She loves her family and has a good relationship with them. The husband he is a good man and good father. He didn't take things hard. He did grouch and whine when thing didn't go his way he was just purely good to me, a hard worker and never lazy. He changes to a wolf because he got the curse in his blood. The sister is a wolf, the husband killed by her.